Monday, July 10, 2006

Museum of Contemporary Art and FÚTBOL!!!!

Here are some pictures of the Museum of Contemporary Art. I expected it to be more like the one in La Jolla, but this one has more paintings and less sculptures.

Here is the outside
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and the contemporary...
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I liked this piece of art and it made me think of Michael and his whole DJ deal
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This picture, taken in a bar, shows just how serrious people are when they watch the game
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The best part was the celebration afterwords. It was like something you usually see on TV, except I was right in the middle of it. It was one of the best times I´d ever had in my life.

Shot of the crowd
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Those crazy Italians like to pour beer and water on people when they get excited
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More crowd
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Gotta have people on the lamp posts
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While all of this was happening, people were singing songs in Italian, firecrackers were going off, and it felt like everyone was friends with everyone. The national guard was there standing by, but everything was peaceful.

On a less exciting note, it cost me 9€ to wash my clothes and then another 2€ for 16 minutes in the dryer. I also got lost for the first time yesterday. I got on the wrong metro and ended up somewhere wierd. Oh well, I figured it out eventually. I´m having a great time and meeting a lot of fun and interesting people. Expect to see pictures of the F.C Barcelona fútbol team museam soon. I am also going to try to go see a bullfight as I believe they happpen weekly.
