Friday, July 14, 2006

Monjunc, Aquarium, and Camp Nou (Fútbol Stadium)

Monjunc is a big fountain that displays water shows every hour on the weekends. Very large crowds gather to see the display of lights and water.

This picture doesn´t do the fountain justice at all. You really have to see it in person.
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L´Aquarium is a basic aquarium that focus a lot on fish in the Mediterranean.

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Camp Nou is the Stadium where FC Barcelona plays. It holds 100,000 peole and is often sold out.
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Just to give you an idea of why people wait until 10:00 to eat dinner, I took this picture at 9:15 at night.

Doesn´t start to get dark arround here until about 9:45.
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More to come soon! Enjoy


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