Thursday, July 06, 2006

The zoo etc...

Yesterday I went to the zoo and the Picasso museam. The Picasso museam was dissapointing and you couldn´t take pictures. Here are some of the pictures that I have taken thus far.

My Bed
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The view from my window
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A beautiful fountain in a park near the Zoo
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Near the entrance to the Zoo
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At first I was a bit skeptical of the Zoo seeing as how I am from San Diego. The fact that it was 14.50 Euros to get into the Zoo didn´t make me feel any better. It was worth it though. The Zoo was a pretty big, smaller than San Diego of course, and had many animals. Being in Europe, the Zoo lacked rules for lack of a better word. Many animals were free to wander arround the Zoo by themselves and it was easy to get REALLY CLOSE to almost all of the animals, even the ones in enclosures.

This picture was taken from the Zoo
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Titty Gallery means ´nursary´ appearently.

Sorry if I do not post a lot of pictures. It is an unbelievably difficult process to get them onto the internet. I won´t even try to explain it here. All you need to know is that it takes a very long time, involves going to several stores, and is expensive. So enjoy these! Look forward to hearing more sometime this week!


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